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Birthday Gifts

Looking for better birthday gift ideas than flowers and cakes? At Oye Happy, we handcraft unique birthday surprises personalised with photos, messages and videos. Scroll down to check out our most popular birthday gifts.

New Mommy Mug

Surprise a new or expecting mommy with her first Mother’s Day gift

Sale! Naughty Glitter Bomb

Little moments of life should be celebrated - especially the climatic ones.

The Dirty Minute

Turn your bedroom into a duel arena with this adult version of ‘Minute to Win it’ challenge.

Mischief Mirror Card

If you prefer seeing your partner naked than clothed, let them know with this mirror card.

Sale! Father’s Day Custom Hamper

A Father's Day special gift for all dads for whom one gift is simply not enough.

Playful Mirror Card

If you prefer seeing your partner naked than clothed, let them know.

Best Mom Mug

Remind your mom of her awesomeness with this amazing Mother’s Day mug

Birthday Video Box

For the first time in India, gift a box that automatically plays a video the moment it’s opened.

Dog Parents Mugs

Know a couple who loves dogs more than human children? We love them already!

Sale! Mother’s Day Combo

Get 2 of our best-sellers in a single combo - Butterfly card and great Indian mother mug.

Dog Dad Mug

Know someone who loves dogs more than human children? We love that person already!

Sale! Mother’s Day Custom Hamper

A Mothers Day special gift for all moms for whom one gift is simply not enough.

Dog Mom Mug

Know someone who loves dogs more than human children? We love that person already!

Sassy Condom Card

Love seeing your man naked? Tell him with this naughty greeting card with a condom inside.

Ted Talks

Meet Ted. He’s cute, he’s cuddly, he’s squishy and he can TALK!