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Birthday Gifts

Looking for better birthday gift ideas than flowers and cakes? At Oye Happy, we handcraft unique birthday surprises personalised with photos, messages and videos. Scroll down to check out our most popular birthday gifts.

Open When App

A fun and romantic app with lots of features - each designed for a specific mood.

Super Pet

Surprise a pet lover with a superhero illustration of them with their pet.

Gift a Smile

Treat a group of 50 underprivileged kids to a delicious meal and celebrate your special day by spreading smiles.

PUBG Contract

Gift that hopeless PUBG addict in your life a funny contract to win chicken dinners forever.

New Beginnings

Frame the special places and moments in your life with this beautiful gift customised completely for you.

Box of Good Intentions

Make someone go ROFL with a box of hilariously lame things. Because it's the thought that counts.

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2 States Cushion

A pair of adorably customised cushions for those who hail from different states.

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Vial of Love

Gift an antique heart shaped locket crafted with reindeer moss and lots of love.

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Sale! Secret Message Box

Remind your love about special moments you’ve shared or simply how much (s)he means to you in a classy and personal way.

2 States

The perfect surprise for madly-in-love couples who hail from different parts of the country!

The Miracle Box

For those with a sense of humour, share a joke in the form of a funny emergency box with a condom.

Thumb Wrestling Ring

Every Great War needs a battleground. Gift your nemesis a thumb wrestling ring designed for legendary battles and glory.

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Comically Yours

Make yourself and a loved one the heroes of your own personalised comic-styled photo frame.

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Strings Attached

Gift an extraordinary work of art designed to work as an artistic wooden key holder  

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Sale! Open This When Mails

A bunch of 6 Open When emails designed with a surprise gift inside each.