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Gifts for Couples

When you buy online gifts for couples, you want the gift to be remembered and cherished forever instead of being forgotten the next day. That’s why Oye Happy handcrafts unique and personalised surprises designed to always have a special place in their hearts and homes.

Stars for Couples

Name 2 stars - one after your loved one and one after yourself - and make your gift last for life.

Songs by Strangers

Get a bunch of strangers to sing songs for your loved one over WhatsApp texts.  

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The Vintage Effect

Make your gift classy with a vintage looking pocket watch encased in a wooden box.  

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Clip A Pic

Clip your favourite-est pictures to this unique handcrafted gift.

Gift in a jar

Add some cheese to a sugar-y surprise by hiding a cute message inside a jar of freshly made dessert.